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Problem with settings (Time, BPM, Pulse) in live mode

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:59 pm
by ChrisS

I've a problem with DVC3 (from April and last two beta versions).

The problem is that the scene settings (in context menu) in live mode are not saved correctly.

Sometimes a scene has an indeterminate state. Which means if I click/fire it, the button becomes dark gray like it's running but it isn't running. If I click another, which is in such state, it becomes dark gray also, but no action too. Although they are in the same group and only one active scene in this group is allowed. If click this scene again it stays dark gray. Nothing happens.
I can click other working scenes in this group which runs correctly even if there are those two broken scenes are still dark gray respective active.

If I right click on those broken scenes and click on "Time" this scene becomes light gray and from now on I can trigger it as I'm used to.
But. This setting is not save at all.
Every time I start DVC3 and load my show, I've the same broken scenes which I need to configure again. That's annoying.

Furthermore if I have configured a scene with "BPM on xxx" or "Pulse on xxx" this change is saved. But if I try to switch back to "Time" this generally works until the next restart, because it seems DVC does not saved this setting.

While I'm writing I got an idea and I've tried to change a few my broken scenes to "BMP on step" saved my show and restarted DVC3. Now this scene is no longer broken but as mentioned before I cannot switch back to "Time".

Is this a general problem? Or have I missed setting?

Thanks and regard,

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:29 pm
by ChrisS
I've one thing to mention. The problem of course only happens, when using "Audio Analyzer".

Further I've tried to create a new show with just two scenes and changed one of them to "BPM on step" saved and restarted. As expected "BPM on step" is still activated after the restart. But when I change back to "Time" save my show and restart DVC3 the scene still has "BPM on step" activated.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 6:23 am
by ChrisS
Am I the only one who has this problem?

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 5:56 pm
by ChrisS

I've tried out the latest beta from Dec. 18th.

The first problem with this "broken scenes" (described above) seems to be solved.

But the second problem, that setting BPM, Pulse or Time is not saved, still exists.

Looking forward to get a solution for this problem.